“Let the peace of Christ control your hearts as in all wisdom you teach and admonish one another.”
— COLOSSIANS 3:15-16
Nurturing Faith, Intellectual Growth, Character, and Civic Responsibility
At Pax Christi Academies, we are committed to equip our students to become compassionate and innovative trailblazers of the future by providing limitless educational and expansive growth opportunities, guided by skilled and dedicated educators in a nurturing and faith-filled environment.
These schools are Christ-centered communities where student learning is fostered through a rigorous curriculum in Faith, Intellect, Character and Citizenship.
Pax Christi Academies will graduate confident young evangelists who are prepared to defend the Catholic Faith effectively by adopting Fr. Spitzer’s Speak the Faith Curriculum.
Formation of Students and Families
Full Participation in the Sacraments and Parish Life
Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life
Students will be provided a rigorous academic curriculum that is personalized and supports all learners by adopting the computer adaptive and AI based iReady Math and Reading program.
Achievement of student’s full academic potential
The Education in Virtue curriculum created by the Dominican Sisters provides support for learning, teaching, and practicing virtue to help students and families grow as disciples of Christ.
Teach and develop virtues
Through the Bill of Rights supplemental civics program, students will be equipped with a solid understanding of their rights and responsibilities as informed citizens.
Love of Country
Understanding of US History and the Constitution
Civics and Government
School Commitments
Adhere to a shared calendar for purposes of shared faculty meetings, professional development, coaching, marketing events, etc.
Commitment to building strong core practices and classrooms schoolwide. Active and positive participant to best benefit the school community and partner schools. Actively engage in professional development and implementation of the shared curriculum.
Collaboration with the PCA team and principals to effectively access shared resources. Hire for MISSION.
Fidelity to the individual financial models, and budgets Strong fidelity to frequent and strategic data reviews on academic and enrollment data.
Graduate Profile
Pax Christi Academies’ graduates are well-rounded individuals who excel in academics, lead with compassion, and live out their Catholic faith in all aspects of their life.
They are prepared to make meaningful contributions to the world, grounded in the values of Christ and led by a deep commitment to country and service.
Our four guiding Principles -“Faith, Intellect, Character, and Citizenship” —are the means to make our Mission and Vision a reality, in order to strive for our goal of making present the Pax Christi in Orange County and beyond.
FAITH, the “belief in and love of God; formation in the Catholic faith; and the evangelization of families.”
INTELLECT, we strive for the “attainment of academic potential and the practical application of reason and wisdom.”
CHARACTER, we promote the “cultivation of human values and moral discernment necessary for happiness.”
CITIZENSHIP, we inculcate in our students “love of country and an understanding of civics and the history of the United States.”
“They (my school) taught me about how much God loves each of us and how He created us in His special way. And from that, it has helped me learn to love myself more.“